9(9) Problems but a Stitch Ain't One!
Let's face it, we quilters have problems that non-quilters just don't understand. I feel like we need a gab session to complain and laugh about our ridiculous issues. For starters, this topic needs a hashtag - so here you go, #quilterproblems. Now whenever you are bloggin' along, you can just shout your problems out with ye ole hashtag without any shame.
But for starters, let's have a cathartic, #omitted session to get some of these off your chest. I want to hear your #quilterproblems! Comment or linkup below.
I'm ready to commiserate with some people who understand my pain, lol :)
Here it goes:
1. Stashed 2 yards of an amazing Japanese import fabric, now out of print. Need 2.5 yards.
2. Ordered more Kona Coal for a quilt that's already started. The new dye lot doesn't match.
3. Just realized your backing fabric has flipped down and you quilted half of it into the back of your quilt.
(Or worse, that time when I realized the table cloth got flipped up and quilted into the back of my quilt. Seriously, why is there a tablecloth on your sewing table? That's just asking for trouble! I know. I know!!)
4. You mention that you don't like Kaffe Fassett/Aurifil/Cotton + Steel/etc. and one thousand people shun you. Approximately.
5. Someone asks you to define what Modern Quilting is, so you just jabber like an idiot about how it's not really definable, but this is how I would define it....
6. The bobbin thread runs out right after you start quilting.
7. Can't decide if this multi-colored print should go with the blues.....or the reds....
8. When you realize you need a new rotary blade. But those are stupidly pricey, so....you just suck it up. Who cares that you have to slice the same cut 5 freakin' times when you can save $18?
9. My toddler started pulling the cardboard middles out of all the bolts of fabric at my favorite quilt shop, so I have to hide at home in shame. True story.
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