Naptown Stitchers: Micro-Swoon

For the Naptown Stitchers July assignment, Heather chose tiny piecing. As in, tiny. She joked about making a really small swoon block, and I was all, YES I MUST MAKE IT.
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Um, yeah, this might be the craziest thing I've ever done as a quilter.
These pieces are soooo small!
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Chain piecing four parts of the block...
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Even the scraps are mini!
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Some of these sections are 3/4" wide and will finish at 1/4" wide - so 2/3 of the piece will be seam allowance. Crazy!
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It really shrank up as I sewed it.
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When it was time to join the the three rows, I realized this thing was pretty much all seam allowance. And that this was ridiculous.
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Plain ridiculousness.
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I pulled out some gorgeous variegated 30-weight cotton Sulky thread and set to work. How to quilt something this small? Matchstick!
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I used blue/purple variegated thread in the corners, and one row of light pink variegated by the pink border. I then quilted diagonally across the swoon block with variegated green/aqua thread.
This might sound crazy, but....
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...this swoon block finishes at a mere 2". TWO INCHES, people!! Which means all of those half-square triangles are 1/4". Yup. Crazy.
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Now I just have to figure out how to bind it...regular binding would look massive on this thing, no?
Quilt BlocksAmy Garro