I don't know about you, but I'm getting my posts ready for Blogger's Quilt Festival - so get ready to see those soon!
We were at my in-laws' house from Saturday until Wednesday, and I wasn't able to get nearly as much done as I had hoped, but ah well. C'e la vie. Luckily, I do have a finish to show you though! Rosie's crib quilt:
I made mostly from her old onesies. I also added in some squares from a flannel receiving blanket, the binding fabric (to bring the gray into the rest of the quilt), and just a few blocks of aqua fabrics to help balance out the colors. I think gray, pink, aqua, and white made for a pretty cute color combination!
Luckily, I was able to preserve a lot of the adorable details from outfit, like pockets, embroidery, applique cuteness....
Below left, you can see one of my favorites: this custom onesie with her name embroidered on - love it! The block above it showcases one of the sleeves that had an embroidered flower on it. Seriously, why can't boys have clothes this cute???

In the photo on the right, you can see how I worked in some of the snaps because they looked to sweet to just throw away. The pink ones are the front of a set of pajamas, and the aqua ones are from the shoulder/neck opening of a onesie.

It was really nerve wracking to cut up this ND onesie - having gone there as well, and shopped in the bookstore, I know that their baby clothes are soooo expensive! Yikes....didn't want to mess this one up! I ended up using the sleeves as endcaps on each side of the ND emblem to round it out to the perfect size.
Overall, this quilt was trickier to do than I was expecting...perhaps because I did a lot of these "fancy" blocks instead of just sticking with cutting squares out from the backs of the outfits. But it was well worth it. I quilted it with a large scale meander so that I would have plenty of space to work around all of the embroidery and such without it looking like there were odd, empty areas of quilting. I thought it would be really hard to quilt since it was so thick (with the knit fabric and the stabilizers!) but it actually went really well. I used light pink Sulky thread and was pumped to try out some bamboo batting. It was SO SOFT. Even the lady at the cutting counter was commenting on it! I was really excited to use it especially because my friend Rachel is a natural momma and bamboo is one of the nicer, natural battings out there. Hypoallergenic for the win!
The back was a pink floral that Rachel sent me.
The binding fabric she sent me was perfect - love love love the polka dots! I zig zag machine bound this quilt. This method is growing on me, especially since I'm getting much better at doing it. I always had issues in the corners (with the zig zag popping on and off the reverse side) and am really happy with how it went this time around! I aimed to have the zig zag land completely off on the reverse side since trying to have it land completely on has never gone well for me. I'm really happy with how it went.
I'm excited to give this to her on Saturday! Can't wait to see what Rosie thinks of it :)
And I know I've been showing a lot of baby quilts - but don't worry, I have other things coming up soon!