One Favorite of the Year

I don't like New Year's very much...I never keep my resolutions and just feel depressed looking back, lol. So I was pretty excited when I saw Lynne encouraging us to pick one (or more, if you felt so incline) favorite thing of the year. YES! That's much more my style. So much better than making a quilt mosaic that pales hugely in comparison to all the lovely ones I have been looking at the past few days!!
So here is my favorite quilt this year - the Fire & Ice quilt.
No surprise there, right?
Unfortunately, it didn't make it into Quilt Con :(. I was really hoping it would. On the flip side, I will be able to hang it at an art show in southwest Michigan instead! The dates were conflicting, so it would only get to be in one.
This thing was my passion for quite awhile, and I'm looking forward to this coming year - I've designed a bunch of paper pieced quilts and can't wait to make them!
Oh wait...was that a resolution?? Woops. I try to avoid those :)
But yes, it was.
Hope you all had a happy New Year, and linking up to Lily's Quilts:
Lily's Quilts


UncategorizedAmy Garro